Leadership Team
Legal NoticeClare Huffington, Head of London Office
Focus: Women’s Leadership, Senior Executive Coaching, Top Team Design

Clare has more than twenty years experience working with senior leaders and their top teams. She currently works as an organizational consultant and executive coach to leading edge organizations in financial services and information technology. She was formerly the Director of The Tavistock Consultancy Service, which first gained international prominence for consulting to the British army on recruitment issues in World War I. Since then, many major thinkers in organizational development have emerged from The Tavistock, which has given rise to its proprietary “below the surface” methodology for consulting to leaders and organizations. Clare is an avid researcher and the author of ten books. She has also designed teaching modules such as chair and chief executive relationship development, boardroom dynamics, influencing skills, and managing continuous change. Clare has delivered multiple coaching and management development assignments across all sectors and cultures. She has helped leaders increase their personal impact through developing generic leadership skills rather than a functional leadership style. Additionally, she is an expert at enabling leaders to master their global leadership role, lead cultural change, address performance issues, and generate new business areas. Clare has a particular interest in women’s leadership. She has been a mentor to many emerging leaders and completed research on the experience of 52 senior women leaders in the UK on their approach to leadership, backgrounds, career paths, and factors that have enabled their success, including coaching. Clare has made numerous presentations at professional meetings. She is President Elect of the International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organizations.